
Observable API

Observable API provides the whole life cycle of object observation functionality.

Additionally, this API defines the Change object, list of which being a parameter of an observer callback function.

object-observer provides Observable top level object as a named import: import { Observable } from 'object-observer.js'

Static methods

Observable.from(input[, options])

let person = {
        name: 'Aya',
        age: '1',
        address: {
            city: 'city',
            street: 'street'

observablePerson = Observable.from(person);


Observable.isObservable({});                            //  false
Observable.isObservable(observablePerson);              //  true
Observable.isObservable(observablePerson.address);      //  true

Observable.observe(observable, callback[, options])

function personUIObserver(changes) {
    changes.forEach(change => {
//  following the observablePerson example from above
Observable.observe(observablePerson, personUIObserver, options);    //  options is optional

const observableAddress = observablePerson.address;
Observable.observe(observableAddress, personUIObserver);            //  nested objects are observables too

observablePerson.address = {};                          			//  see below

Attention! Observation set on the nested objects, like address in the example above, ‘sticks’ to that object. So if one replaces the nested object of the observable graph (see the last line of code above), observer callbacks are NOT moved to the new object, they stick to the old one and continue to live there - think of detaching/replacing a sub-graph from the parent.

Observable.unobserve([callback[, callback]+])

Observable.unobserve(observablePerson, personUIObserver);
//  or

//  same applies to the nested

Observation options

If/When provided, options parameter MUST contain ONLY one of the properties below, no ‘unknown’ properties allowed.

In order to fail-fast and prevent unexpected mess down the hill, incorrect observation options will throw.

Change instance properties